Help end period poverty with a lasting gift in your will
Share the Dignity works to make a real, on-the-ground difference to the lives of women, girls and those who menstruate who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness, domestic violence or poverty.
We distribute period products to those in need and work to achieve menstrual equity here in Australia. When someone is doing it tough, the last thing on their mind should be dealing with their period.
A gift in your will to Share the Dignity will help ensure that everyone is afforded the dignity in life that so many of us take for granted.

Plan and write your will
You can specify any amount or percentage of your estate that you feel comfortable gifting to Share the Dignity.

Contact a solicitor
We recommend that you seek the advice of an expert such as a solicitor to ensure your will is worded correctly to reflect your wishes.

Contact us
If you have a question or just want to let us know you’re leaving us a gift, please get in touch. Our team would love to hear from you.
Help give the gift of dignity
Leaving a gift in your will to Share the Dignity is a meaningful way to ensure that women, girls and those who menstruate will have access to the very basic of essentials. With your support, we can continue to distribute period products to those in need.
A bequest doesn’t impact your wealth during your lifetime and only takes effect when administering your estate.Once you’ve looked after the ones you love, a gift of even 1% in your will, or as much as you can afford, will make a difference to the impact of our work.

We work with over 3000 charities across Australia, who distribute period products and It's in the Bag donations to people facing homelessness, poverty or escaping domestic violence.

Some important details
To ensure your intentions are correctly followed, it is important to word your Will correctly. The suggested wording for your Gift is set out below.
“I give the residue… OR
“I give [insert percentage]% of the residue… OR
"I give [insert specific amount or asset]…
to SHARE THE DIGNITY ACN 607 970 605 free of all duties, for its general charitable purposes. I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer of SHARE THE DIGNITY shall be a complete discharge to my Executor for the moneys paid in accordance with this bequest.
If SHARE THE DIGNITY has ceased to exist or has amalgamated with another charity or organisation or has changed name then the gift will not fail but my Executor will pay the gift to the charity or organisation in Australia which my Executor considers most closely fulfils the objectives that I intended to benefit by making the gift.
Write your Will for free with Gathered Here
We have partnered with Gathered Here, a free and easy step-by-step online Will writing service to help you make the process of writing your Will super simple.
As a trusted Australian platform, Gathered Here allows you to create and edit your will quickly and easily.
To get started, click the button below to be redirected to our Gathered Here page.

Thank you for considering leaving a gift in your will to Share the Dignity. If you would like to learn more about making a gift in your will or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our team at giving@sharethedignity.org.au