It’s my bloody birthday … month. I’m turning 54 on June 6 and this year I’m ditching the presents and asking for donations to Share the Dignity. Those who know me, know this is a big thing for me. I LOVE my birthday. I love the gifts. I love the celebration. I usually organise a whole damn festival.
The festival is still happening – because every year on this earth is an absolute gift, not in a cliched Instagram kind of way, more from a crappy personal perspective. I’m now three years older than my mum lived to and I’m the same age that my mother-in-law lived to. This is not the birthday perspective I’d wish upon any woman but it’s one that I live with.
It helps me to be grateful for the good things in my life and to acknowledge the immense privilege I live with. So, while I’ll be celebrating another year around the sun, I’m choosing to fundraise on behalf of other women not living with that same privilege.
There won’t be any presents for me this year, instead I’ve asked my family and friends to donate to this incredible cause instead.
No woman or teenage girl in Australia should have to suffer the indignity of not being able to afford period products, of missing work or school because they don’t have pads or tampons, of being admitted to a public hospital, getting their period and not having the money to buy period products. (Yes, hospitals are not funded to provide patients with period products. I know, it blew my mind too.)
As a business we’ve signed up to be on of Share The Dignity’s Champions of Change. We’re on a mission to raise $10,000 over the next 12 months to pay for a Dignity Vending Machine (so many more are needed). These vending machines are installed in public toilets, charities, homeless hubs, domestic violence refuges, community centres, hospitals, Aboriginal health services and low socioeconomic schools across Australia so that women don’t have to experience the indignity of asking for period products when they’re not in a position to be able to afford them.
If you are able to please donate to my #ItsMyBloodyBirthday campaign, you’ll be part of the change. Your donation will help buy product to stock in Dignity Vending Machines. Every donation goes one small step to helping end period poverty in Australia.
Share the Dignity
Share the Dignity works to make a real, on the ground difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. They distribute period products to those in need and work to end period poverty here in Australia.
When someone is doing it tough, the last thing on their mind should be dealing with their period.
They help those in need by collecting thousands of period products each year through collection drives and campaigns and distribute them directly to charities across Australia.


Kester Hubbard
Your passion to help those around you is inspiring. Love you xx


Paul And Amanda Tuckey
Happy birthday lovely! You are such a beautiful and generous human. 💞

Herman And Jasmine Hunt
Happy birthday Nikki! Such a wonderful initiative!

Brooke And Symon Rubens
Happy birthday Nikki. Good on you for organizing this. Looking forward to celebrating with you x

Alex & Maddy <3
Happy birthday Mum/Nikki!!! You are an amazing woman. Love you so much and can’t wait to celebrate with you 🥰 xxx

Kate Luke
Happy Birthday beautiful, we can't wait to celebrate with you! xxxxxx

Iseat® Beanbags Hire & Sales
Goal reached - Wonderful Cause Nikki thanks for inspiring to give.

Caroline And James Wilkinson
Happy happy birthday my beautiful friend - so sad to be missing your celebration but I’m sure you’ll celebrate in style 😘

Cameo Ashe
Happy Birthday Nikki!!

Stace Mcgregs
Happy Bloody Birthday to you my friend

Matthew And Trudy Pulvirenti
Happy Birthday gorgeous girl! 😘

Bec Nolan
Happy Birthday my gorgeous friend. Can’t wait to celebrate with you! And congratulations on supporting such a worthy cause. Xx

Renee O
The best of your life has yet to come, embrace it, be confident, and embark on a future of limitless possibilities and opportunities. Happy birthday. Best wishes Renee x

Rachel Wilkinson
Such a bloody great idea Nikki. Looking forward to celebrating with you.

Anna Kerwick
Happy Birthday Nikki and well done to you for this initiative- can’t wait to celebrate with you xx

Lucky B
Happy birthday!!!

Karen Mangelsdorf
Happy birthday Nikki can’t wait to party with you Karen & Rob xxxx

Ben Barber

A wonderful initiative and we're honoured to be a part of it!

I hope you reach your goal sister! see you tomorrow xxx

Michele Watson

All Good Housekeeping
You are such a beautiful, generous soul Nikki. Happy to donate to this wonderful charity. X

Julia Horton
What a great idea … happy birthday !

Caroline Genge

Kym O'gorman
Happy Birthday Nikki. I hope you have an amazing day.


Dom White
great cause Nikki! happy birthday

Well done you fabulous woman. Great cause xx

Helen Cain
Happy Birthday Nikki - congratulations on supporting such a wonderful cause xx


Liz Kirk
Hope you had a fabulous birthday Nikki. This is lovely that you’re doing this xx


Nikki White
Happy Birthday Nikki... xx

Happy bloody birthday, babe! Love your work! Love Kimba X

Happy Birthday Nikki. I have witnessed in my home town the need for these vending machines. Thank you for raising this money and awareness #sharethedignity

Fiona Karslake
Happy Birthday Nikki 🎉🎉xx


Christina Butcher
Happy birthday beautiful Nikki! Xx

Brooke Falvey
Happiest of birthdays to you, my wonderful friend. May the year ahead be filled with much love and joy (and fun times dancing up a storm together) xx

Robyn Dunlop

Louisa Fitzgerald
Happy birthday to you! Awesome idea instead of gifts.

Happy birthday Nikki. Such a wonderful initiative ❣️

Tracey Trenter

Happy Birthday Nikki!!!!!

Sophie Sheppard
Happy birthday Nikki! I hope you have a lovely day on Sunday and keen to pawty tonight! xx Sophie

Julie Gentle @gentle.bliss
Thank you for bringing awareness to this cause. We are so privileged to have the life we do. Happy Birthday beautiful x 🎂🍰🍾🥂


Suzie Richetti
Happy Birthday and great cause ❤️

Megan Poynter
Happy birthday

Happy Birthday..

Maria Griffin
Happy Birthday Nikki! Maz

Bec Senyard
Happy Birthday Nikki. A great cause to support.

Happy Birthday Nikki Such a great cause 😊

Jenny Delacca
Great cause - you are an amazing lady Nikki! Happy Birthday

Monica Lahra
Happy Birthday Lovely idea x

Magda M
Happy birthday gorgeous Nikki, you’re one generous human.
Great cause Nikki, Happy Birthday. xx